Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Strength in Numbers Tag

Alright guys. It's about time I was a cheesy sap in public, don't you think? I watched a tag video from MacBarbie07 (a beauty channel on YouTube) about bullying, confidence, blah blah blah... I didn't want to do the tag video because I don't like being on camera... =P BUT I thought the questions were important. So... here we go.

  • Have you ever felt unconfident before and why?
Of course. I'm sensitive about weird stuff. If anyone ever makes a jab at me, how I look, ... anything ... it upsets me, so I start to second guess myself.
  • Do you lose confidence when you don't feel 'pretty'?
Yes I do! I try not to let it affect me - hence the frequent looking like crap. =) But I'm always a little more willing to be outgoing when I feel like I look good.
  • What makes you feel confident about yourself?
Well I like myself for the most part. But just like you pick little parts of yourself to not like, you have to find the parts of yourself that you DO like. In my case... my freckles, hair color, lips, eyes... blahhh. You get it. =) Just focus on what you think is the good stuff, yo.

  • Have you been bullied?
I'm afraid so. And it really wasn't even a severe case... but still. That SUCKS.
  • Did you ever bully someone?
I almost said no... but I believe I have. I feel really bad about it. I was upset that this one chick was getting more attention from this one guy that I liked... and I made her feel like shit. It was petty and stupid. No names, and don't ask cuz I'm not telling.
  • Whether you were bullying or being bullied, how'd it make you feel?
Like shit. In both cases. It's horrible. When I was bullied, I never wanted to come to school... And when I was the bad guy, I was seriously unhappy.
  • How do you deal with bullying?
These days, if someone says something about me to my face I'll confront them right then and there. Be like, "Yo, you're MEAN. What's the deal?" When you let someone know that they've hurt you, often they don't realize it... They usually apologize and knock it off. Weird, huh? But if someone is bullying someone else... I tend to speak up as well cuz I've been there... (Well, I try anyway. I'm not perfect.) But I've told people before to leave kids alone. Sometimes all it takes is one person to stick up for somebody.

  • Do nicer people seem more 'beautiful' to you?
DEFINITELY. When you get to know a normal looking person, and you realize how wonderful they are on the inside... their features become more and more attractive to you.
  • Does makeup make you feel prettier?
Yeahh... It does. It's like an addiction lately - I just have fun putting it on. I always feel better when I have foundation on, or at least concealer... I have pretty bad skin. But oh dear, freshman year!!! I never wore makeup. I never felt ugly. I should try going back...
  • What do you think of the expression 'beauty comes from the inside?'
Let me tell you something. If I didn't like myself on the inside, I would feel disgusting no matter how much makeup I put on. When you're a good person, you shine. <3

Okay. That was really cheesy, I KNOW. But maybe some people out there need to hear it. Right? If any of this is relevant to or struck a chord with you, please let me know. Ya'll know I love the comments. But ALSO if you would like to talk to me personally about any of this stuff, I would be more than willing to chat. Like I said, my situation was not extreme... but it still made a serious impression on me and the way I treat people. Please, if you want to, come talk to me. =)

Anyone who doesn't hate me for being overly sappy after this... I love you. =) Thanks for reading. BYYYYE!

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