Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another Makeup Blog! YAY!

So I was checking out some of my stats on Blogger here, and first I would like to say thank you SO much for all the people who read my blog! My blog had like four views today, and I haven't posted anything new in like a week. Wonderful followers. =) Aaaand second, I noticed that (in looking at my stats) that my makeup blog had the most views of any of them. That might be a fluke, but I was like yo! I totally forgot about makeup blogs, and they make me super happy. Not to mention they are time consuming, and therefore distract me from what little homework I should actually be doing. Moving right along. =)

As many people who know me will say, I'm addicted to YouTube. Particularly the beauty community. I'm not saying this is good for me or improving me as a person AT ALL, but it's really fun. And I see all these tag videos where people talk about their favorite products, or their most reached for products... and I love them. They're so helpful. So, I think that's what I'm going to do today. I don't need a video just to help a brotha out. =)

So... without further ado(?), here are some of my faaavorite makeup products that I own or have owned in the past. Boom! (Btw, I'm trying to post a picture of the makeup, how it looks, the applicator, blah blah blah AS WELL AS the packaging in case you actually want to take my advice. Yay.)

So, nearly everyday I put on concealer, and this bad boy is my favorite that I've found so far. It is Maybelline Mineral Power Concealer. I have pretty bad skin, so I need a decent one to cover up blemishes and whatnot. (fml) I have it in the lightest color I could find, but I don't think the color name/number is on the actual tube? Whatever. Okay, this is not a good review for concealer. Next! haha

Alright, now this next stuff is the tops. Revlon ColorStay Liquid Liner in black. Now I know liquid liner can be a bit scary, but when it's done well I loooove the look. This stuff is jet black, and when you put it on, it doesn't move. It stays just as vibrant all day, hardly fading at all. I don't know exactly what the tip is like? It's kinda stiff? I don't know what you call it, but I think it makes for very easy application as far as liquid liner goes. Word to the wise, keep a good makeup remover on hand, just in case. ;)
Btw, I have yet to find a good pencil liner that I like. I like them to be soft, black, and immobile. baha I don't like smudging... and I've heard that Urban Decay's liner in Zero is awesome, but I don't have the money to be throwing around on expensive stuff. I have Rimmel's soft kohl pencil, but it smudges too much. Any ideas? Oh, I'll throw a picture of that Urban Decay liner... I guess it's called 24/7, cuz it has good staying power. I've only heard good things about it. Sigh.

Alright, honestly... this next guy is only my favorite in it's field (or whatever) because I've been too lazy to look for a better one. White eyeliner, from Wet n Wild's Coloricon line? Yes. I tried Rimmel's white kohl eyeliner because I kinda liked their black liner... and it was great! Until I had to sharpen it. It was too soft, so it just crumbled when you sharpened it. Sheesh. I tossed it. And then I found this one. Who am I to scoff at a 99 cent liner? baha =) It work fairly well, it's just not as soft as I would like.
By the way, I know some of you think I'm crazy... Darcy, what you usin a white liner fo? Yes, I am crazy. But I have a rather good tip. If you use the white liner on you water line instead of black, it opens up your eyes making them look bigger.  It actually gives you the impression that the whites of your eyes are bigger, if that makes sense, so it makes your eyes look more...dolly. =) I also like to use it as a highlighter, just basically coloring on my brow bone underneath my eyebrow and in my inner corner and then just blending with my finger. Very natural and pretty and such. =D

And finally, we're getting to my faaaavorite part. The lips!
I own this particular lipstick... It's Revlon's ColorBurst in Raspberry. This is MY red. =) I think every girl needs (at least) one red lipstick, and this is mine. It's almost a true red, with just a hint of warm tones in it. The lipstick isn't too drying and it feels good, even just by itself, although I usually apply chapstick beforehand. One of my very favorites.

EEK! Okay, this guy is probably one of my favorite lipsticks ever... but I lost him. =( It is the same brand and  line - Revlon ColorBurst.  The shade is Lilac. I didn't expect o like this so much, but it's a color that I wore everyday when I still had it. It gave me a reeeally pretty pinky lip with cool undertones to match my skin. Love love LOVE.

Next up! Maybelline ColorSensational lipstick in Bit of Berry! I really needed (okay, wanted) a berry lip color and this is the guy I found. I love the way these lipsticks feel, even more than the Revlon ones. They go on very smooth, and I feel like they have a nice sheen to them. The color is especially vivid in this line. Buuuut they have a bit of a a vanilla-y perfume smell? It's kind of weird, but it doesn't bother me. I love this color and I wear it often, applying it lightly so it's more like a stain. Love it!

By the way, I'm pretty sure that these two lines, Revlon ColorBurst and Maybelline ColorSensational, are competing lines. They are pretty comparable, I'd say. Revlon's does not have the funny smell, and I've heard that it has a better shelf life.  Maybelline's has a greater selection of colors, with almost too many to choose from, and is very smooth and moisturizing. Do what you want with the advice I give you. baha =)

Last but not least, my favorite mascara that I have found so far... Maybelline the Colossal Volum Express. Terrible name. Good mascara! haha it gave me a lot of length and a lot of volume quickly without being super duper clumpy. I mean, it's not the perfect mascara for eliminating clumps, but I'm sick of stringy lashes. =P I need to buy this guy again. I miss it. One bad thing though, it has kind of a smell. I don't know why. What's up with that Maybelline, hmm? Stop making smelly stuff! lol but it goes away, so it doesn't bug me as long as the mascara does a good job.

And so for now, those are my favorite products. Yikes. I'm open to suggestions. Give me things to try. If you've ever used any of these products before, let me know! Mini review in the comment section? I'd LOVE that.
Thank you so much for reading. <3


  1. Great make-up review, Darce! I used to have silver eye liner (and white too... now that I think about it). I used it pretty much the way you use the white eye liner. Mostly, I put the silver in the inner corners of my eyes to wake up my face. I used the white underneath my lash line if I had dark circles and it'd pretty much take them away. For eye liner right now, I used Rimmel Exaggerate in Aubergine and Pine and Maybelline Unstoppable in pewter. They do smudge a little but I like that. When they wear out, I'm going to look for something else though. The plastic casing is not recyclable. (I also just realized the Rimmel liners had a sharpener... I'm cool.)

  2. Hey Darcy; usually the reason mascara smells is because it's old. If yours has a strong odor, take it back! <3
    BTW, I think the Urban Decay liner is worth the $$. :)

  3. I love that white eyeliner! Actually, I love Wet n Wild. I think I own 5 of their lipsticks. I wish they still made cream eye shadows. They were amazing!
    The name of the applicator on that liquid eyeliner is a felt tip. Now you know :)
    I'm glad you warned us about the smell of the makeup. Ugh that is the worst! I just bought a cover girl powder and it smells like avon lady grandma! Wtf cover girl????
