Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So I was listening to 96.9...

96.9 is a local country station.
Country? Hawhaaaat!?! You like country!?
Yeah. Yeah, I do. I'm a recent convert.

There was some song on the radio, on said country station, that was talking about some guy judging the artist for being country. Blah blah blah. Whatever, it's a typical thing to write about, you know.  BUT it did remind me that there is a looot of hate out there for country music.  This fact kind of bothers me.  Yes, some of those twangy tunes, if you will, are a bit too hokey for me.  But just like every genre, there is talent there.  This will bring me to a big long rant about people saying, "Oh, I absolutely hate INSERT GENRE HERE!"  It's annoying.  The point I'm trying to make is that there will be good music and talented musicians in every single style of music.  I think I really need to illustrate this.  I will list a good song (and hopefully post a link) for every genre that I can think of off the top of my head.  This may or may not go over well.  I will probably choose well-known songs for this... So if you don't know any of these titles, look 'em up!

COUNTRY: Somebody Like You - Keith Urban
RAP: Just Lose It - Eminem
METAL: Sad But True - Metallica
JAZZ/SWING?: In the Mood - ?
PUNK: Blitzkrieg Bop - The Ramones
CLASSIC ROCK: More Than a Feeling - Boston
TECHNO: Boom Boom Boom - Aqua
CLASSICAL (piano only): River Flows in You - Yiruma
HIP HOP: Yeah - Usher
SCREAMO: Still Fly - The Devil Wears Prada (actually a cover of a rap song)
CHRISTIAN: Meant To Live - Switchfoot
R&B: If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys
POP: Toxic - Britney Spears

PHEW. That's all I can think of for now.  If you disagree with me, tell me why! Or if I missed any major genres that I'm totally blanking on right now, chew me out. Plus, I want you all to listen to these songs... I don't know exactly what category they fit into... except 'AWESOME'. ;)

Dream a Little Dream of Me - Mama Cass
Don't Bring Me Down - Electric Light Orchestra
I'm Yours (live) - Jason Mraz
That Should Be Me - Justin Bieber (no hate, remember?)
Always Midnight - Pat Monahan
Feel - Marie Digby

Okay. Wow. I have a problem. I'm stopping now. I tried, whenever possible, to get the official videos for most of these songs... but you know, that's not always the way it goes. haha that was a probably a major waste of my time cuz most people will not look up all these songs... but for those of you who do, I freaking love you. Good night. <3


  1. One thing. More Than a Feeling is amazing! Ever since the air band episode of Scrubs(All time favorite show!) I've been in love with that song.
    -Brian aka Jim:)

  2. in the mood is the big band genre by glenn miller. possibly one of my top ten all favorites too. if that is the right link. i didn't click on it cuz sdsu's internet sucks.
    ps - love you. your blog makes me laugh :)
