Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Where is spring when I need it, anyway?

Maybe you don't know me.
I THRIVE on bright colors, happiness, and unicorns.
Jk on the unicorns. I knew I was starting to sound a bit sugary.

Buuuuut seriously. I'm SO sick of winter and this transition-y season CRAP. The cold is cool for a while, but when the weather starts to tease me, that's not okay. It was so nice a couple days ago and now it is freezing (you know, less than 32 degrees) with various types of precipitation. Not cool, Mr. Weather. 

Not only that, I'm sick of all the winter colors. All these dark, muted tones. Lots of black, lots of dark neutrals.... lame. Where are the colors, yo? They left when summer did, THAT'S where they are. And I am upset that spring is holding out on me! It's my favorite season, and here I am, waiting, with open freaking arms.... and I'm getting stood up.  I guess I could wear those bright colors now. But it almost feels wrong, if that makes sense. 

Mini disclaimer: No, I am not on crack. I'm just... quirky.

Hmmm. I do believe it's time for some pretty springy pictures. I'm loving putting more pictures in my blog these days. Gives it more interest. =)

(Side note: Yes. I want a romper. What of it?)

Hmm. I'm bored now. What are you looking forward to most this spring?
Byyyyyye. <3


  1. haha rose wants me to tell you she approves. she loves rompers :P

  2. its true. i do approve. and love rompers.
    -rose :)

  3. Darcy! Check out my blog and you can get the Bakerella site off my sidebar!
